As an established author, I know the hard work it takes to write a book, especially if you have a full-time job. That's why my critiques are thoughtful and honest but always compassionate.
I edit for individuals just starting out, publishers who buy manuscripts, and companies that produce articles. In short, I edit it all.
Developmental Editing
The big-time edit. This includes a line edit and a detailed editorial letter. I will read and mark up your manuscript with these big picture points in mind:
First chapter effectiveness
Plot points
Age-appropriate themes
Overall cohesiveness
What works
What doesn't work
How to tackle your revisions

Editorial Assessment
The overview edit. Similar to developmental editing but without the marks on your manuscript and a bit less detailed of an editorial letter. However, I will note things such as plot, pacing, character development, and suggestions for improvement.
If you’re on a tight budget, this is a great option.
Copy Editing
The hunt for copy errors. After all the work you’ve put into your writing, the last thing you want is a sloppy manuscript that doesn’t look professional. Before you send it to agents, editors, or your preferred self-publishing site, I will:
Correct spelling and grammatical mistakes
Correct formatting such as indents, font and spacing for an overall clean look
Check for ease of read, and offering suggestions for clarity
Track character traits for consistency
Perform light fact checking

My rates are fair and competitive. Contact me for a quote. Please include your word count.